Using a Salesman to do Marketing is like using a blender to do Grilling

Steaks on a grill

Steaks on a grill (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(AD KITCHEN) Today’s lesson in Ad Kitchen is about using the right tool for the job.  Our kitchen has grills, stoves, ovens, blenders, whisks and many other tools throughout and when faced with a cooking challenge any good chief knows exactly which tool to pull out for each task.

A Gill would work for cooking Steaks, a blender for mixing the sauce, and fork for shoveling the finished product into your mouth. I would call this good chief a Grill Master. He knows which tool is for what and those tools create a savory item that any beef eating client would love.

But, sometimes there are masters that use the wrong tools- like pulling out a blender and expecting it to girll!   It’s as bad as a CEO  utilizing a salesman to do their marketing.  I know this may sound crazy, but it happens! Continue reading